A Life At Work by Thomas Moore
I was a middle child growing up. Looking back, I so wish I had this book – A Life At Work by Thomas Moore at my fingertips. Might have saved me years of career anguish.
I remember when I and my older brother and sister were all in high school at the same time. They started having those classes about college and appointments with their counselor about what they wanted to do for their career.
I remember watching their anguish over the decision of where to go to college. What programs did they offer? What score would they need on their ACT or SAT to get into college?
All of it seemed so foreign, frightening, and something I never wanted to have to deal with any time soon until it was my turn.
It was just as painful and anguish-filled for me. I was 18, graduating high school, with no clue what I wanted to do or what school to go to. So I just settled for the state college because my father said he would have three kids in college, and that was all he could afford.
Even after I was in college, I kept switching my major. How’s an 18-year-old supposed to know what their life’s work will be? I was clueless.
I finally settled on a major and graduated, and got a job. My corporate America journey began in sales and then marketing, and now been running my own marketing agency for 14 years.
It felt like it took me forever to find my footing and stumble across doing what I feel like I was born to do. Yet, it didn’t have to take all those years, or maybe it did!
This leads me to this book that I just recently finished on Audible. I wonder what my life would have been like had I had this book – Your Life at Work: The Joy of Discovering What You Were Born to Do, by Thomas Moore.
I thought I had read all the books on living your purpose, finding your calling, finding your purpose, etc. This book really summed up the journey of how important it is to discover what you’re born to do.
Thomas Moore did an excellent job describing how all your experiences, and jobs for better or worse, can contribute to your true purpose in this world.
What was most telling for me was when he talked about people who are dissatisfied with their work. It will show up in all aspects of their life if they’re dissatisfied.
When you do work you love, it connects to your soul. Then you will always be satisfied in your work and all areas of your life – wow!
I recommend this book if you’re struggling with finding your life’s work and need a guiding light.
Some Inspiration and Quick Book Review to Entice You to Get and Read it!
Quick Summary: I loved this book because it guides you to dig deep into your soul’s purpose. It’s not about having one job for the rest of your life. In fact, it’s normal to have more than one job in different fields. As you grow older, you shift and change, and that’s ok. Thomas gets you to take a hard look beneath the surface and does work to satisfy your soul.
WHO Ought to Read this Book: If you’re between jobs or looking for your calling and your purpose in life, then you have to pick up and read this book. Thomas has a brilliant writing style and really understands why it’s crucial that you do work that satisfies your soul. When you don’t do work like that, everything suffers in your life because of it.
Why Read this Book? Even if you already know your purpose, I’d encourage you to pick up this book. He uses language, encouragement, and the questions he asks to help guide you to help others. He teaches us patience, models the necessary powers of reflection, and gives us the courage to keep going.
A Couple of Things You Will Discover: How all great and small jobs contribute to your life’s work. Your job may be more important because of the emotional rewards you receive. Not all work is about how much money you will amass. If you don’t do work connected with your deep soul, you might always be dissatisfied with your work and in all areas of your life. No matter what your work is, it might do more harm than good if it’s dissatisfying.
Inspiring Book Quotes:
The Soul:
“Creative imagination is the workshop of the soul.”
Your Roots and Frustrations:
“Take in painful history frustrations and influences and look at who you are – get in touch with your soul roots and past experiences.”
What the Heart Wants:
“What does my heart want? What is its greatest desire?”
“Stories with emotions help heal and move your heart.”
“There is much opportunity in failure.”
Be Bold:
“It’s not about money- be bold and follow your guide ignoring criticism and permission or prejudice of others.”
About the Author – Thomas Moore:
Thomas Moore is the author of Care of the Soul, which spent forty-six weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. He’s also written fifteen other books on deepening spirituality and cultivating the soul in every aspect of life. His work journey has encompassed being a monk, a musician, a university professor, and a psychotherapist, and today he lectures widely on holistic medicine, spirituality, psychotherapy, and ecology. He also writes fiction and music and often works with his wife, artist, and yoga instructor, Joan Hanley.
Where I Would Recommend Getting Your Copy:
A Life At Work: The Joy of Discovering What You Were Born to Do by Thomas Moore
More Books Totally Worth Checking Out by Thomas Moore:
Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life
Dark Nights of The Soul: A Guide to Finding Your Way Through Life’s Ordeals
Soul Mates: Honoring the Mysteries of Love and Relationships
Soulfully Yours,
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A Life At Work by Thomas Moore

Hey there, I'm Shannon! Being a voracious reader and passionate about learning, I started this site in the hopes of sharing my thoughts and my love of inspiring nonfiction books that can help you. It's kind of like Buddha meets business. I truly hope you enjoy!
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