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Where Buddha Meets Business

Reversing Alzheimer’s: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health

Meeting Dr. Heather Sandison, author of Reversing Alzheimer’s, left an unforgettable mark on me. Her genuine warmth and kindness stood out immediately, making it clear she’s one of the most talented professionals in her field.

Every interaction and piece of advice she gave reflected a deep, genuine care for her patients. Dr. Sandison’s dedication to reversing Alzheimer’s isn’t just a professional endeavor; it’s a personal mission fueled by profound compassion.

My journey with Alzheimer’s started long before I met Dr. Sandison. My father, a respected doctor, was diagnosed at 67. Watching his sharp, knowledgeable mind fade was heartbreaking. He spent his life healing others, yet I felt so powerless because there wasn’t much to do back then to slow down his decline.

As his disease progressed, the conversations we had every Sunday slowly ended as the wisdom and laughter we always shared gave way to confusion and forgetfulness.

One of the hardest things I had to do was visit with him the year before he died. And I knew then that it was the best place for me to be. We had some terrific moments. He always had a terrific sense of humor, and we loved laughing about the silliest things.

Then, I went down to New Orleans (where I grew up, where he still lived, and where he had a thriving practice before he retired) to help my stepmother with his care.

Being there firsthand to witness his decline was just mind-boggling.

One minute, he and I were eating lunch. He turned to me and asked who I was and why I was there and not taking care of my own parents.

The next minute, he’d turn to me and say, “Oh, Shannon, when did you get here? It’s so wonderful to see you.” And he’d hug me, turn to eat his lunch, and then be gone again.

It was so torturous to my emotions—it felt like whiplash. He knew me for a few seconds, I had a short window, and then he was gone again.

Seeing his decline firsthand was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It felt like I was in some Twilight Zone or a magic show, where a wand was being waved, and crap started happening that made no sense to the cognitive mind.

Feelings like this are just not fair; he was so young. It’s such a horrible and debilitating disease that grabbed a hold of his brain and didn’t let go ever.

There are two moments that stand out from that last visit.

The first was one time when he didn’t know me, and then he did, and I told him he had Alzheimer’s and it was ok. And how he got so mad and said that was no excuse not to recognize his daughter.

The second moment was when I had to leave to fly back home. I didn’t want to go. I was crying, and he didn’t understand why. I said it was because I hated saying goodbye. Then, out of the blue, he said, “It’s not goodbye. It’s just a new beginning.” Wow, how appropriate was that?! I still can’t believe he said that.

A year later, he was in a home and declining. I got the call; it would be any day now. And I was so upset I never made it down there again to be with him. And it was too late. So my stepmother held the phone up to his ear so I could say goodbye through my sobs; I told him I loved him and it was ok to go… He died a few days later…

Witnessing him lose control of his health, despite his career in helping others, was a stark and painful reminder of the challenges countless families face.

At 73, my father died, leaving a void and also igniting my determination to combat this disease. Meeting Dr. Sandison was impactful because of her revolutionary approach to Alzheimer’s. Her methods are grounded in cutting-edge research and a holistic health perspective. They offer hope where there was once only despair.

In Dr. Sandison, I found not just a brilliant practitioner but a kindred spirit. She embodies the empathy and dedication my father exemplified. Through her work, she honors those like my father, who bravely fought Alzheimer’s and brings hope to many others still battling. This book stands as a testament to her groundbreaking efforts and a tribute to my father’s legacy.

Anyone who wants to know how to prevent and slow down Alzheimer’s should read her book.

I did a genetic test and found out that I have both APOE-4 genes. So, I’m doubling down on everything I can find to combat this disease. One thing I loved that Dr. Sandison said to me was that even though I have both genes, it does not mean I will get it. She has countless patients who were able to live normal, healthy lives with it. Having those APOE-4 genes is not a death sentence.

All the more reason for me to read her book and start putting Dr. Sandison’s work into practice!

Let’s dive into the summary of Reversing Alzheimer’s: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health.

What I Loved About This Book:

The most compelling part of Reversing Alzheimer’s is Dr. Sandison’s focus on personalized treatment protocols. She emphasizes the importance of tailoring interventions to individual patients rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all solution. Her approach is effective in addressing the multifaceted nature of Alzheimer’s, which can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and overall health. Her explanation, recipes, and complete next steps on what to do make this one of the latest books about how to prevent and also how to slow down Alzheimer’s.

A Book Summary to Inspire You To Read It!

Quick Summary:
Reversing Alzheimer’s by Dr. Heather Sandison is a must-read for anyone affected by or interested in combating Alzheimer’s disease. The book offers a hopeful and practical guide, emphasizing personalized treatment plans that integrate diet, lifestyle changes, and innovative therapies. Dr. Sandison’s holistic approach, combined with real-life success stories, will empower you with actionable strategies to improve brain health and potentially reverse cognitive decline. This empowering perspective and the comprehensive yet accessible information make it an invaluable resource for patients, caregivers, and anyone looking to understand and address Alzheimer’s disease effectively.

Who Ought to Read this Book and Why:
Dr. Heather Sandison’s Reversing Alzheimer’s is an important resource for anyone seeking to understand and combat Alzheimer’s disease, including patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. Patients and their families will discover hope and practical strategies to manage and potentially reverse cognitive decline. Caregivers can gain crucial insights into personalized care approaches that enhance their loved one’s quality of life.

Healthcare professionals will find valuable information on integrative and holistic treatment methods, broadening their approach to Alzheimer’s care. Additionally, those interested in preventive health will benefit from the book’s comprehensive advice on diet and lifestyle changes to support brain health. This book provides an empowering, actionable roadmap for tackling Alzheimer’s disease.

Things You Will Discover In Reversing Alzheimer’s

  1. Personalized Assessments: Emphasizing the importance of individualized care, the book explains how thorough initial assessments, including genetic testing and cognitive evaluations, can identify each patient’s root causes and contributing factors of Alzheimer’s.
  2. Diet and Nutrition: Dr. Sandison advocates for a ketogenic diet, rich in healthy fats and low in carbohydrates, to support brain health and cognitive function. She provides practical dietary guidelines and recipes.
  3. Lifestyle Modifications: The book highlights the significance of regular exercise, stress management, and proper sleep hygiene. These lifestyle changes are essential for maintaining brain health and slowing cognitive decline.
  4. Innovative Therapies: Exploring various treatments, the book discusses the potential benefits of supplements, medications, and alternative therapies like hyperbaric oxygen therapy and light therapy.
  5. Case Studies and Success Stories: Real-life examples of patients who have experienced positive outcomes through personalized treatment plans add a hopeful and inspiring dimension to the book.

Quick Action Plan To Implement Some Core Ideas From Reversing Alzheimer’s:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Start with a thorough assessment that includes genetic testing, lifestyle evaluation, and medical history. This helps in identifying the unique factors contributing to the patient’s condition.
  2. Customized Interventions: Develop a personalized treatment plan that includes dietary changes, supplements, medication, and lifestyle adjustments. The focus is on reducing inflammation, improving brain function, and supporting overall health.
  3. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Regular follow-ups and adjustments to the treatment plan ensure that it remains effective. This adaptive approach acknowledges that as patients improve or face new challenges, their treatment needs to evolve.

Inspiring Book Quotes: Reversing Alzheimer’s

Improving Cognition:
“The remarkable improvements in cognition that I have witnessed are thanks in large part to a complex systems medicine approach to Alzheimer’s treatment that supports all aspects of brain health…”

An Uncommon Practice:
“Approaching brain health from multiple angles is common sense but uncommon practice. ”

It’s Not Going to Be Easy:
“While I’m offering real, life-changing, global hope, I’m not saying it’s easy to turn the tide on Alzheimer’s and get cognitive changes to start going in a positive direction, ”

Step-By-Step Process Is Key:
“This book is here to distill the protocol into a step-by-step process so that you—and your loved one, if you’re a caregiver—can start reaping the benefits..”

Multifaceted Protocol:
“As dementia is a complex disease and the brain a complex organ within a complex system, the protocol is multifaceted. There are a lot of moving parts, including changing the foods you eat, getting more and different types of exercise, supporting your ability to get good sleep…”

What I Can Promise:
“While I can’t promise an easy fix, I can promise hope—hope that our eldest can stay sharp and vital, in community with their loved ones, and enjoy themselves while also sharing their wisdom and perspectives.”

Reclaim Your Focus:
“By turning the page and embarking on your Reversing Alzheimer’s journey, you are beginning to reclaim your focus, energy, and potentially even your loved ones from dementia.

What Your Brain Is Influenced By
“But to really be able to address everything that is impacting your brain health, we have to zoom our lens out a little farther and consider the things that our brains are influenced by that happen beyond our physiology. This includes mental health, such as trauma, negative self-talk, and your own self-awareness?”

Healing Has to Happen On All 4 Dimensions:
“According to the great wisdom tradition, medicine and healing operate in four dimensions: Inside (internal), Outside (external), Me (individual), and We (collective). To get well, we need to operate in all four dimensions. If we leave any out, we will miss healing opportunities.”

Infastructure Is Important:
“Just like any sovereign country, you want your brain to have plenty of resources for building and maintaining infrastructure. ”

The Six Integral Components of Brain Health:
“Toxins, Nutrients, Stress, Structure, Infections and Signaling.”

Your Brain:
“Although your brain makes up only 2 percent of your total body weight, it alone is responsible for consuming 20 percent of the calories your body requires for daily functions.”

About the Author of Reversing Alzheimer’s:  Dr. Heather Sandison, ND

Dr. Heather Sandison is a renowned naturopathic doctor specializing in Alzheimer’s disease and neurocognitive health. She is the founder and medical director of Solcere Health Clinic, where she leads a team dedicated to reversing cognitive decline through personalized treatment plans. With a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University and extensive training in functional medicine, Dr. Sandison integrates conventional and natural therapies to address the root causes of disease. A passionate educator and advocate, she frequently speaks at medical conferences and contributes to health publications, empowering patients and healthcare providers with innovative approaches to brain health.

Where I Would Recommend Getting Your Copy:
Reversing Alzheimer’s: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health 
by Dr. Heather Sandison

Other Books About Writing I’d Recommend: 

The End of Alzheimer’s Program: The First Protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at Any Age by Dr. Dale Bredesen

The UltraMind Solution: Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First by Dr. Mark Hyman

Books By Dr. David Perlmutter:

Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers

Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life

Brain Wash: Detox Your Mind for Clearer Thinking, Deeper Relationships, and Lasting Happiness

The Better Brain Book: The Best Tool for Improving Memory and Sharpness and Preventing Aging of the Brain

Soulfully Yours,

Shannon McCaffery

Shannon McCaffery

Strategic Marketing Coach & Consultant

Previous Book Review

Reversing Alzheimers

Reversing Alzheimer’s: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health


Hey there, I'm Shannon! Being a voracious reader and passionate about learning, I started this site in the hopes of sharing my thoughts and my love of inspiring nonfiction books that can help you. It's kind of like Buddha meets business. I truly hope you enjoy!

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