Books You Gotta Read

Where Buddha Meets Business

The Magic of Thinking Big – Acquire The Secrets of Success… Achieve Everything You’ve Always Wanted by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.

This book, The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D., was first printed in 1959 and is still in print today. I love books like this that are completely valid 64 years later! It can still make just as much impact now as it did in 1959. 

A long-time friend who’s an amazing business coach and mentor recommended this book when I was clearly frustrated and struggling with my business and needed a boost.

And I have to tell you, it did not disappoint. If you’ve ever read or heard about Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich, this book, The Magic of Thinking Big, ramps it up with many more examples, techniques, and real-life case studies.

If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s on the MUST READ list.

Like many entrepreneurs, I struggle with fear. My work does not let it stop me from doing what I’m called to do on this planet, yet sometimes, it just knocks me sideways. I loved Chapter 3: Build Your Confidence and Destroy Fear; it helped me!

This book has so many inviting and interesting chapters that inspired and gave me lots of ways I can move past my fear and more. (See TOC below.)

Whatever you are struggling with in your business, or your life, especially if you’re putting it off, and not getting ahead as fast as you’d like, Schwartz has so many terrific exercises, examples, and gems in here to inspire you.

When I picked it up and started reading it, I thought it was all about planning and creating bigger goals in my business. I had no idea it would give me practical strategies to help me with my self-doubt and fear of not being good enough and guide me to cultivate a growth mindset and abundance.

It’s a practical book about manifesting and thinking abundantly, showing you exactly how to do it – with your mindset, messaging (how you talk to yourself), motivation, and creating momentum in your life. 

One of the core themes is that the size of your success is directly proportional to your thoughts and your perception of yourself. You are what you constantly think about. You know those voices in your head? Yeah, pay closer attention to them because they rule your life. And you may not even know it. You are what you think.

Schwartz champions the idea that with ambitious thinking, disciplined action, and an unyielding belief in oneself, one can truly realize their utmost desires and goals.

Reading this book gave me a huge boost of confidence. It also taught me how to create my goals, take action, and think much bigger about my life and my business.

It left me with such a can-do attitude that I haven’t looked back since. 

Here’s some more info that you can sink your teeth into to inspire you to get a copy!

A Book Summary to Inspire You To Read It!

Quick Summary

The Magic of Thinking Big teaches you the power of positive thinking and how to think bigger to achieve true success in all areas of your life. It’s based on core principles designed to help you succeed in all areas of your life. It provides practical strategies to overcome self-doubt, fear, and procrastination and encourages you to take action toward accomplishing your goals. Ultimately, the book inspires you to approach challenges with a can-do attitude and cultivate a mindset of growth and abundance. It’s a great read if you’re looking to improve your mindset and achieve your dreams!

Who Ought to Read this Book and Why: 

If you’re struggling, frustrated, or tired of your negative thinking and attitude in your business and your life, The Magic of Thinking Big will give you the practical principles to help you immediately. It will help you – improve your mindset and achieve greater success in any area of your life. It’s especially beneficial if you struggle with self-doubt, fear, or procrastination and want to overcome these obstacles to achieve your goals. No matter what your age or background is, whether you’re a student, professional, entrepreneur, or someone who simply wants to reach your full potential, this book is perfect for you. You will discover effective strategies and gain practical tools to boost your confidence, develop a positive attitude, and gain practical strategies and tools to help you reach your goals.

Things You Will Discover:

The core principles below are designed to help you achieve success in all areas of your life. 

  1. Believe in yourself and your abilities. The book teaches you to have the confidence to set big goals and work hard to achieve them.
  2. Think big and focus on what you want. You should have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and focus on that vision rather than getting bogged down in all the details and distractions.
  3. Take action and be persistent. The book emphasizes the importance of taking action and being persistent in the pursuit of your goals, even in the face of setbacks and challenges.
  4. Build strong relationships. The book stresses the importance of building strong relationships with others and treating them with respect and kindness.
  5. Continuously learn and grow. You should strive to continuously learn and grow as a person, both personally and professionally.

The Magic of Thinking Big Table of Contents: At the end of each chapter is a summary and action steps to help you implement his “Think Big” principles.

Chapter 1: Believe You Can Succeed and You Will
Chapter 2: Cure Yourself of Excusitis, the Failure Disease
Chapter 3: Build Confidence and Destroy Fear
Chapter 4: How to Think Big
Chapter 5: How to Think and Dream Creatively
Chapter 6: You Are What You Think You Are
Chapter 7: Manage Your Environment: Go First ClassChapter 8: Make Your Attitudes Your Allies
Chapter 9: Think Right Toward People
Chapter 10: Get the Action Habit
Chapter 11: How to Turn Defeat into Victory
Chapter 12: Use Goals to Help You Grow
Chapter 13: How to Think Like a Leader

How to Think Creatively: (page 124)

  1. Believe it can be done.
  2. Don’t let tradition paralyze your mind.
  3. Ask yourself daily, “How can I do better?”
  4. Ask yourself, “How can I do more?”
  5. Practice Asking and listening.
  6. Stretch your mind. Get stimulated.

Lyndon B. Johnson’s Ten-point Formula for Success: (These are incomplete. Please get the book 🙂 and go to Chapter 9 – Think Right by People, page 194 for the complete text.)

  1. Learn to remember names.
  2. Be a comfortable person (when you’re around others)
  3. Acquire the quality of relaxed, easy-going so things don’t ruffle you.
  4. Don’t be egotistical.
  5. Cultivate the quality of being interested in people…
  6. Study to get the “scratchy: elements out of your personality…
  7. Sincerely attempt to heal…
  8. Practice liking people until you do so genuinely.
  9. Never miss an opportunity to say a word of congratulations…
  10. Give spiritual strength to people…

Inspiring Book Quotes:

It’s About Reminders:
“Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are.”

Believe Big:
“The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.”

Any Training Program Must…
“…must do three things. It must provide content, the what-to-do. Second, it must supply a method, the how-to-do-it. And third, it must meet the acid test; that is, get results.” 

Dealing with Fear:
“Isolate your fear. Pin it down. Determine exactly what you’re afraid of. Then take action.”

Next Time Someone Goes Off On You, Say:
“Underneath, he’s (or she) probably a very nice guy (person). Most folks are… Hold your fire.”

You Gotta Do What’s Right:
“Doing what’s right keeps your conscience satisfied. And this builds confidence.”

Think Positive:
“Make a supreme effort to put only positive thoughts in your memory bank.”

When Things Go Wrong:
Ask yourself – ‘What can I do to make myself more deserving of the next opportunity? Don’t waste time and energy being discouraged. Don’t berate yourself. Plan to win next time.”

Get Things Done:
“People who get things done in this world don’t wait for the spirit to move them; they move the spirit.”

What’s Your Future Look Like?
“… demand of yourself clear, precise answers to these questions: What do I want to accomplish with my life? What do I want to be? And What does it take to satisfy me.”

“Every big accomplishment is a series of little accomplishments.”

Trade Minds With People:
“To get others to do what you want them to do, you must see things through their eyes. When you trade minds, the secret of how to influence other people effectively shows up.”

About the Author – David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.:

David Joseph Schwartz, Ph.D. (March 23, 1927 – December 6, 1987) was an American motivational writer and coach best known for authoring The Magic of Thinking Big in 1959. He was a Georgia State University professor and began his own work as a self-help coach and life strategist. Later, he founded his own consultancy firm focusing on leadership development called ‘Creative Educational Services Inc’. He became well known through his motivational publications and self-help books, especially The Magic of Thinking Big, published in 1959.

Where I Would Recommend Getting Your Copy:

The Magic of Thinking Big – Acquiring The Secrets of Success… Achieve Everything You’ve Always Wanted by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Other Books I’d Recommend: 

The Success System That Never Fails by William Clement Stone

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

Soulfully Yours,

Shannon McCaffery

Shannon McCaffery

Strategic Marketing Coach & Consultant

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The Magic of Thinking Big – Acquire The Secrets of Success… Achieve Everything You’ve Always Wanted by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.


Hey there, I'm Shannon! Being a voracious reader and passionate about learning, I started this site in the hopes of sharing my thoughts and my love of inspiring nonfiction books that can help you. It's kind of like Buddha meets business. I truly hope you enjoy!

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