Don’t Make Me Think Revisited by Steve Krug

Don't Make Me think - Steve Krug

When creating a website, the biggest issue is the site is NOT FOR YOU! It’s for your dream clients/customers. That’s the worst offense I’ve seen in my many years of working with businesses and helping them create high-converting sites and online dream client experiences.

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The Soulful Art of Persuasion by Jason Harris

The Soulful Art of Persuasion

I don’t usually pick up books about “Persuasion.” It’s not a word I like. It gives me visions of people tying my hands behind my back and trying to force me to do something against my will.

Yet, in Jason Harris’s book, The Soulful Art of Persuasion, it’s not about that at all. In fact, I’d replace the word “persuasion” with “influence” or “connection.” This book is about becoming a master influencer through building genuine connections and relationships with others.

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