Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

I’ve always been fascinated by the power of the mind and how to create and manifest abundance and financial freedom. T. Harv Eker’s book – Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering The Inner Game of Wealth is definitely high up on my list. And I’ve read MANY books on this topic and reviewed several here…

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The 4-Hour Works Week by Tim Ferriss

4-Hour Work Week

This book – The 4-Hour Work Week, basically blew up and created a whole new crop of entrepreneurs when it hit the market back in 2007. The reason why I’m intimate with this is mainly because I was one of them! I had just been laid off from corporate America (It was when the publishing…

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On Good Authority: 7 Steps To Prepare, Promote And Profit From A How to Book That Makes You the Go-To Expert by Anna David

So why is this book one of the best I’ve read in writing and promoting your book? One reason – she gives you a complete “how-to system” to “Prepare” – write your book, “Promote,” and “Profit” from it.

Plus, David gives so many inspiring stories and real examples I practically highlighted the whole book.

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Marketing A Love Story by Bernadette Jiwa

Marketing a love story

My life’s work has been pretty ironic. You know the old saying – “Never say never,” cuz when you do – what you said “never” about always ends up coming true? Well, that happened to me.  To this day, I remember exactly where I was – in the basement office of my college campus. I…

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