Books You Gotta Read

Where Buddha Meets Business

Book Reviews for Soulful Entrepreneurs
that Will Boost Your Mindset, Marketing, Messaging & Momentum

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A Guide to Rational Living

A Guide To Rational Living by Albert Ellis and Robert Harper

We had invited a friend over for dinner, and we're going to make hamburgers. (I promise this story will definitely lead into exactly how A Guide...
Top 5 Books

The Top 6 Books That Helped Change My Life

This was a REALLY hard exercise - to look at all the books I’ve read so far in my 56 years and pick out the top...
Thomas Moore

A Life At Work by Thomas Moore

I was a middle child growing up. Looking back, I so wish I had this book - A Life At Work by Thomas Moore at my...
Napoleon Hill

How to Own Your Own Mind by Napoleon Hill

One of the things I love is reading books that were published a long time ago. Especially when the topic has been written about by hundreds...
Bernadette Jiwa's Book

The Fortune Cookie Principle by Bernadette Jiwa

I love the title of this book - The Fortune Cookie Principle: The 20 keys to a great brand story and why your business needs one....

Hey there, I'm Shannon! Being a voracious reader and passionate about learning, I started this site in the hopes of sharing my thoughts and my love of inspiring nonfiction books that can help you. It's kind of like Buddha meets business. I truly hope you enjoy!

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