Books You Gotta Read

Where Buddha Meets Business

Book Reviews for Soulful Entrepreneurs
that Will Boost Your Mindset, Marketing, Messaging & Momentum

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Napoleon Hill

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book is a classic for ALL entrepreneurs. If you are an entrepreneur, this is a MUST read. This opened my eyes a lot when I...
Wishes Fulfilled The Art of Manifesting book

Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering The Art of Manifesting by Wayne Dyer

Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering The Art of Manifesting by Wayne Dyer is one of those books that, when I started to read it, all of a sudden,...
Sophfronia Scott

The Seeker and The Monk: Everyday Conversations with Thomas Merton by Sophfronia Scott

What if you could sit down in a comfy chair next to the fire with your favorite hot cup of something delicious, and directly across from...
Julia Cameron

The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

I have been in a constant battle with the two sides of my brain all my life.  Who will win out, my left brain or my...
Robert Cialdini

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

Sitting in the audience at a direct response marketing conference, I was engaged by the speaker's talk on how you can market using some pretty interesting...

Hey there, I'm Shannon! Being a voracious reader and passionate about learning, I started this site in the hopes of sharing my thoughts and my love of inspiring nonfiction books that can help you. It's kind of like Buddha meets business. I truly hope you enjoy!

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