Books You Gotta Read

Where Buddha Meets Business

Book Reviews for Soulful Entrepreneurs
that Will Boost Your Mindset, Marketing, Messaging & Momentum

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Mindset The New Psychology of Success: How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential by Carol S. Dweck

I still remember what it was like in middle school when a teacher called on me. My palms would sweat, I'd get all flustered, and I...
Brene Brown

Atlas of The Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience by Brené Brown

I remember sitting in my therapist's office all those years ago, crying my eyes out because my long-term relationship was over. My partner had decided she...
Living Untethered: Beyond The Human Predicament

Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament by Michael Singer

If you've read Michael Singer's previous best-selling book, The Untethered Soul, then you will love his next book, Living Untethered: Beyond The Human Predicament. It will...
Bernadette Jiwa

What Great Story Tellers Know: Seven Skills to Become Your Most Influential and Inspiring Self by Bernadette Jiwa

One of my quests for the past few years has been getting better at telling and writing stories. When I want to improve a skill, I...
The Culting of Brands

The Culting of Brands: Turn Your Customers Into True Believers by Douglas Atkins

What fascinates me about The Culting of Brands by Douglas Atkins (Besides my incredibly photogenic dog pictured next to the book's cover... 🙂 is discovering why...

Hey there, I'm Shannon! Being a voracious reader and passionate about learning, I started this site in the hopes of sharing my thoughts and my love of inspiring nonfiction books that can help you. It's kind of like Buddha meets business. I truly hope you enjoy!

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